Sex is the Soul of the Body
Sexual energy is the fuel of our body and mind. Most of us think of sexual energy as sexual arousal, but what I’m referring to is not just about arousal, it’s about the way we express the creative, regenerative life-force within us.
Taoists and Yogis have long since understood the importance of sexual energy cultivation and using it to increase potency of the body and mind, but this is a new concept for us in the Western world. Most of us have a very limited understanding of sexuality because we’ve never been taught about its healing power. We have been taught to hide our sexuality and be ashamed of it, keeping it separate from what we consider to be “Sacred”.
Each of us has a sexual expression that is unique to who we are. How we relate to ourselves as sexual beings can be influenced by our life’s experiences, body confidence, beliefs about gender roles, our relationship to pleasure, power, etc. Our expression of sexual energy is about how much we let primal energy flow through us, and that will look different from person to person.
Your primal, life-force energy has the potential to wake you up to the genius living inside of you. When you let go of who you think you’re supposed to be, your true self pours through you with no filter! THAT is where your magic comes from. That’s where your innovation, your brilliance, your creativity, and your expression of soulfulness comes form.
Every single human being I have met who is remarkably alive and soulful is a sexually liberated human being. How can I tell? It’s in the way they move. The spark in their eyes. It’s in the way they laugh. The way they speak and let themselves move with the spirit that moves within them. Your sexual energy can revive you and deepen your experience of life, but you have to be willing to go there. You have to be willing to release the shame that says, “I’m too much” or “I’m not enough.” You have to stop comparing yourself to other people and thinking there’s a right way to “do sex.” The only right way is to be fully present, surrendered to the moment, listening to your partner’s pleasure and letting your own flow through you like a symphony.